Easy-Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs - Naneg Recipes.

Easy-Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs

#Final Recipe Post

Total Time: 17 minutes
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Servings: 6 hard-boiled eggs


Say hello to a hassle-free way of peeling hard-boiled eggs. Introducing the Easy-peel hard-boiled eggs recipe that aims to make your life simpler and breakfast times more pleasant.

##Why Make This Recipe

Ease and simplicity are the key here. No longer would you have to struggle with stubborn eggshells or end up with ugly looking hard-boiled eggs in your salad, sandwiches, or served alone.

##How to Make Easy-Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs

##Ingredients :

– 6 large eggs
– Cold water
– Ice cubes

##Directions :
1. Place the eggs in a saucepan ensuring they are layered in a single line at the bottom.
2. Cover the eggs with cold water by approximately an inch.
3. Over medium-high heat, bring the water to a rolling boil.
4. After it starts boiling, cover the saucepan, turn off the heat and let the eggs sit for 12 minutes.
5. Meanwhile, prepare a bowl of cold water with ice cubes in it.
6. Once 12 minutes pass, transfer the eggs into the bowl of ice water and let them cool for a minimum of 5 minutes.
7. Gently tap each egg on a hard surface to crack its shell and peel it under running water.

##How to Serve Easy-Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs

These easy-peel hard-boiled eggs can be enjoyed directly as a snack, or chopped and dressed for a creamy egg salad. They can also be sliced and added to regular salads or sandwiches.

##How to Store Easy-Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs

The easy-peel hard-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week. To prevent odor absorption, store the eggs in a covered container.

##Tips to Make Easy-Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs

Make sure you place the eggs gently in the saucepan to prevent cracking. It’s best to use older eggs for hard boiling as they usually peel more easily than fresh ones.


For a different take, you can marinate the peeled, hard-boiled eggs in a mix of soy sauce, water, and spices to make an Asian-inspired version called Soy Sauce Eggs.


###1. Why use cold water to boil eggs?

Starting with cold water lets you heat the egg more slowly, which keeps the whites from getting rubbery.

###2. Why should I use older eggs for boiling?

Older eggs are more alkaline, which makes the eggshells easier to peel off after boiling.

###3. Can this method be used for soft boiled eggs?

Yes. For soft boiled eggs, follow the same steps, but reduce the sitting time from 12 to 4-5 minutes.

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